Important Program Payment Update!!


We are so happy to be back and running program in-person this school year!  Our staff have missed seeing the children and engaging with them in-person. We are proud that EBAC committed to keeping our staff working  over the past year in a time when many employers were forced to perform layoffs and close their businesses.  Thank you to those families that continued to support our services when our service delivery model was adapted to the virtual world.  We thank you all and look forward to a safe and healthy school year!

DONATE: Support our Afterschool Fund

To donate to the EBAC Afterschool Fund

click the link to the right.

EBAC has 5 afterschool programs in Oakland three of which are in under-resourced neighborhoods.  EBAC has created an Afterschool Fund to support these programs and work to ensure that all kids in our programs get high quality afterschool programming regardless of their ability to pay.  

Please designate your donation to "EBAC Afterschool Fund."

Thank you for your support!


Using the chart above please input your total afterschool program fees for this month.

Peralta Afterschool Program Fees

Open the calendar popup.
Contact Information
Credit Card Information

Visa Master Card American Express Discover
I agree to pay above total amount according to card issuer agreement. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.